Crystalizer in Transport

A crystalizer was transported to the K + S mine near Bethune.

The structure was moved down Highway 15 east towards Kenaston, north on the Hanley Road then south along Hwy 11. SaskPower was out to move overhead power lines.

The entire load, which is about 200 feet long, 33 feet wide and 38 feet high, includes three tractors, two trailers, plus the crystalizer itself.

Landfill Advisory Team Meeting

On Tuesday, July 11 the Town Administrator attended a quarterly Landfill Advisory Team meeting.

A couple years ago, the Town was invited to sit on this team because, out of all the Transfer Stations in the province, only two are in complete compliance; the Town of Hanley’s is one of those two thanks to the residents of Hanley and Rosedale for being diligent in supporting and respecting the operations of the Transfer Station!

This team works in a consultative capacity with the Ministry of Environment along with SUMA, SARM, the Ministry of Government Relations, the New North, the Association of Regional Waste Management Authorities of Saskatchewan (ARWMAS) and others that have been invited to the table for discussion. We have a direct line to the Minister of Environment who hopes to meet with the Team in August.