H5 Dough to Go Fundraiser
Cell Phone for Office Use
In order to provide additional communication to the Town Office, the Council has purchased a cell phone for Office use. You can now text or call 1-639-213-7999. The text or calls will be answered during office hours (9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday closed from 12 – 1 pm). If the text or call is urgent or emergent, please indicate it at the beginning of your text.
If you would like to have your cell # added to the contact list on the phone, please text and give your name and we will add you.
You can still call the landline at 306-544-2223 or email townahanley@sasktel.net. We have also downloaded the Facebook Messenger app so you can message the office that way too!
January 2021 Newsletter
The January 2021 issue will be the last edition to be mailed out? The Newsletter will be available here on the website and on the bulletin board outside the Town Office.