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Hanley / Rosedale Fire Department

Hanley Fire Crew

  • Fire Chief – Les Kroeger
  • Deputy Fire Chief – Shawn McCormick
  • Captain – Tyler Thall

The Fire Protection District Board is made up of Councillors from the RM of Rosedale and the Town of Hanley.

The Hanley Fire Brigade 50/50 Lottery is a weekly lottery where proceeds help purchase equipment for our brave firefighters. Lottery tickets are available at the Town Office with a $3 one time membership fee then for $2/week. Most lottery members purchase for a year at a time for $104. If your number is chosen and you haven?t paid for that week, the prize money will be carried over to the next week’s draw.

New fire hall

Call 911 for:

  • RCMP
  • Fire Department
  • First Responders
  • M.D. Ambulance care



Local Primary Contacts for Town Emergencies:

EMO Coordinator – Cindy Prosofsky (306)229-1766

Evenings: Mayor: Richard McGregor (306)544-7669
You can call the Mayor or any of the Councillors first to ascertain course of action needed to be taken.

Weekends Water & Sewer Maintenance: Don Suttie (306) 544-2797 or (306) 261-0200
All other issues (or unable to contact Don): Call the Mayor or any other Council member.

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